Nagarjuna’s forthcoming film, ‘Ragada’ is in the final leg of shooting. The makers of the film has earlier announced the release date as 23rd, December and to meet the deadline of this date, the team members are making their best in completing the shooting part.
Meanwhile, the audio was released on November 29th at Silpa Kala Vedika Hyderabad. Few top celebrities form tinsel town are attend the event. Ragada is being directed by Veeru Potla. Nagarjuna will be seen romancing Priyamani and Anushka in the film. Kamakshi Kala Movies will present the film. The film is being touted as a commercial entertainer with all the necessary elements of comedy, action and romance. As the Audio is big big hit hope the film will also shake the box office.
Audio Launch of Nagarjuna's latest movie "Ragada" Music by SS Thaman